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¡A través de los programas English For Kids e English For Teens, iniciativas educativas de Engagement Foundation, podrás hacer realidad el sueño de un niño en Latinoamérica, brindándole la oportunidad de aprender el idioma inglés y entrar a un mundo de muchas posibilidades!

Level 2 class Tech
Online class

What is English For Kids?

English For Kids Ve is an educational program of Engagement Foundation.


Thanks to the team of facilitators, volunteers and allies, we accompany students in learning the English language and seek to strengthen citizen values in children with completely free English classes.

Who will you benefit?

To low-income children from 8 to 12 years old located at 8 Latin American countries.


Until today we have benefited more than 700 students.

We have students in these countries

English For Teens

En el programa se beneficia a adolescentes de 13 a 16 años de bajos recursos ubicados en 5 países de Latinoamérica.


Desde el 2023 hasta la fecha hemos beneficiado a 63 estudiantes.

Tipos de postulaciones

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